Carticure Plus is a collagen-rich dietary supplement. This Plus formula is designed for those who place greater stress on their joints, such as high-performance athletes, older people with regular activity, or people who are severely overweight and have unhealthy sedentary habits. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, essential for the formation of the supporting tissue of many bodily structures, such as skin, joints, bones, hair, and so on. These molecules are the building blocks of our body. Morphologically, they are very flexible and resistant fibers; their structure is formed (like all proteins) by chains of amino acids, in this case primarily lysine, proline, and glycine. Collagen levels decrease significantly with age, dropping significantly around the age of 40 and increasing by up to 1% annually thereafter. Pollution, sun exposure, and smoking also negatively influence collagen decline. Therefore, it is highly recommended to supplement our regular diet with collagen with Carticure Plus, since collagen is not found in ordinary foods and is essential for the proper health of joints, tendons, and supporting tissues. In addition, Carticure Plus contains vitamin C, manganese, and copper in the recommended daily amounts for proper formation, improved collagen synthesis, and greater joint protection against oxidative stress. It does not contain sucrose, glucose, lactose, gluten, or artificial ingredients. It has a pleasant orange flavor.