It is the coenzyme combination of STRESS that experts in the field of natural medicine have been using since the mid-nineteenth century, as an adjuvant in the following cases:
• In states of nervousness in general. • In alterations of coagulation factors. • Has an anti-spasmodic action * (cramps, asthmatic cough, colitis, seizures, s. Vito dance). • In cardiovascular diseases as it regulates the heart rate. • In states of bone demineralization (thin people and exhausted by states of nervousness). • In inflammation and rheumatic pain (neuralgia). • In heartburn (capable of absorbing all kinds of digestive gaseous emanations, so it is very useful in all flatulent colic that forces the person to prostrate and creates profuse sweat). • In people who suffer from searing and stabbing pain (lightning, tightness in the rib cage, nervous tics in the eyes, they may even feel tachycardias and / or arrhythmias). • Erratic pains that change places.